Time to read: 1 min
Navigating the EAS Dashboard
This guide explains how to navigate the provided interface, connect your wallet, create an EAS Schema, and explore attestations in detail.
Getting Started​

Connecting Your Wallet
- Locate the "Connect Wallet" Button:
- At the top-right corner of the page, you will see the Connect Wallet button.
- Click the "Connect Wallet" Button:
- A wallet connection modal will open, allowing you to choose your preferred cryptocurrency wallet (e.g., MetaMask, WalletConnect, etc.).
- Authenticate:
- Select your wallet and authorize the connection.
- Ensure your wallet is set to the correct blockchain network supported by the EAS platform.
- Verify the Connection:
- Once connected, your wallet address will replace the Connect Wallet button, confirming the link.

Adding your wallet only provides access to view your schema and attestations.
Creating an EAS Schema
- Click "Create EAS Schema":
- Located at the top-right corner of the interface.

- Fill Out the Schema Details:
- Name: Enter a descriptive name for the schema.
- Type: Select the type of data (e.g.,
, etc.).- If multiple fields are required, click Add New Field to define additional data points.
- Resolver Address (optional):
- Add a resolver smart contract address if you need custom verification or actions associated with this schema.
- Is Revocable?:
- Enable this option if attestations under this schema can be revoked later.
- Submit the Schema:
- Click the Create Schema button to deploy the schema on-chain.
- Confirmation:
- Upon successful submission, the schema appears in the list with a unique ID
Exploring the Schema List

- Schema Overview
- All Schemas: Displays the total number of schemas created.
- OnChain Attestation: Number of attestations linked to schemas stored on-chain.
- OffChain Attestation: Number of attestations stored off-chain.
- Schema Details:
- Each row displays:
- ID: Unique identifier for the schema.
- UID: A unique on-chain reference for the schema.
- Schema Fields: Data structure of the schema (e.g.,
bytes32 schemaId, string name
). - Attestations: The number of attestations linked to this schema.
- Each row displays:
- Clicking on a Schema:
- Clicking on a schema opens detailed information about its attestations.
Viewing Attestation Details

When you select a schema:
- Header Details:
- Schema ID: The unique identifier for the schema.
- Total Attestations: Total attestations associated with the schema (on-chain and off-chain).
- Includes growth percentage over the past week.
- OnChain/OffChain Attestation Counts: Breakdowns of attestations.
- Schema Metadata:
- Created On: The date the schema was created.
- Creator: Wallet address of the schema creator.
- Transaction ID: Blockchain transaction ID for the schema creation (clickable for blockchain explorer verification).
- Resolver Contract: Address of the custom resolver contract (if any).
- Revocable Attestations: Indicates whether attestations can be revoked.
- Schema Structure:
- Displays the fields defined in the schema (e.g.,
bytes32 schemaId, string name
- Displays the fields defined in the schema (e.g.,
- Attest Button:
- Attest this Schema: Allows creating a new attestation under this schema.
Attesting to a Schema
Attesting to a schema allows you to associate specific data with an address based on the schema's structure.
Initiating the Attestation​
- Click "Attest this Schema":
- Located at the bottom of the schema details page (visible in the first screenshot).
- Modal Pop-Up:
- A modal will appear with the following fields:
- Recipient Address:
- Enter the wallet address of the person or entity to whom the attestation is being made.
- Schema Fields:
- Each field defined in the schema is displayed with an appropriate input box.
- For example, if the schema has a
field labeled "Testu," you will see:Testu (string):
followed by an input field to provide the corresponding value.
- Recipient Address:
- A modal will appear with the following fields:

Completing the Attestation​
- Fill in the Details:
- Enter the Recipient Address and all required values for the schema fields.
- Double-check that the data aligns with the schema's structure.
- Submit or Close:
- Attest Button:
- Click the Attest button to finalize and submit the attestation.
- Close Button:
- If you wish to cancel the process, click the Close button to exit the modal without submitting.
- Attest Button:
Processing the Attestation​
- On Submission:
- After clicking Attest, the attestation will be sent to the blockchain for processing.
- A transaction approval modal may appear via your connected wallet. Approve the transaction to proceed.
- Confirmation:
- After a few minutes, the attestation will be confirmed on the blockchain.
Viewing the Completed Attestation​

Post-Attestation View:
- Once confirmed, the attestation details will appear in the schema details page under its Attestations count.
- The attestation data can now be viewed as part of the schema's record.